so hello there blog. i have been getting quite into riding the buses recently. i like the people and social sides of it. and it also always gives rise to a perfect opportunity to report back. so maybe this should be:
the bus chronicles. as recorded by maddie.
journey no.
1) bus driver - rude. nearly crashed into a car that pulled into the bus path. he swore.
2) busy bus. has to stand. man opposite me very polite. kept smiling. lovely bloke. as he got off the bus, he said to the driver 'thank you very much sir'
3) number 14 to loxley. 50 minutes round trip. didnt get off the bus. counted people who got on and off. my 2 course mates kept a record of landform so we could build a model of the route in our studio the next day.
4) same day as no. 3, bus home, the back to uni. walked to destination.
5) got the bus on the wrong side of the road. went all the way round town before going back along the road id been waiting on in the first place. got there eventually.
6) bus home. bus number 5 of the day.
7) friday. tram to the train station to look at some art. looked at the art and then parted company with my friend. she went home on the tram, i chose the bus.
went to catch the bus. got the bus. it crashed into a taxi. a large part of the bus fell off when they drove apart. crashed on a tram line, so we had to change buses. made friends with the man sat behind me. he gave me his email so i could email him the photos id taken. nothing like a bus crash to bring people together. emailed them the next day.
8) monday. got the wrong bus. went to a place i didnt know. and waited 15 mins at the end. like they do. bus driver said he'd tell me when to get off so i could get the right bus, and he did. and i did. got off at uni to do some work.
9) walked half way home with the gf, and got chips. ran to catch a bus cos it was cold. bus driver said 'not going to be eating them on 'ere'. it was both a question and a statement. i said no, paid my fare and sat down. what a dick. i ate a chip, just to annoy him.
i lead an exciting life..
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